– افغانستان به کدام سمت میرو؟– حکومت طالبان به کدام سو روان است-راه حل های برای بیرون رفت از بحران
کاکتوس + رییس جمهور اشرف غنی توان کافی برای مدیریت افغانستان را نداشته
مصاحبه کامل را در لینک دنبال کنیدکاکتوس-رییس-جمهو…-غنی-توان-کافی-ب/
از نگاه دیگر گفت وگو با محمد عمر داوودزی، نماینده ویژه حکومت پیشین در امور پاکستان
August 02, 2022 Interview with VOA ^^ Death of Ayman Al-Zawahiri^^
24 May Mohammad Umer Daudzai interview/ #VOAPashto
#afghanistan #kabul #news #updatenews #voiceofamerica
له دویچه ویله سره د محمد عمر داوودزي ځانګړې مرکه آیا د پاکستلن ضد ډلی په رښتیا هم په افغانستان کې فعالیت لری؟
15 March 2022 #Afghanistan #peace #kabul
Interview With #aljazeeraenglish TV Charlotte Bellis
Exclusive interview of Mohammad Umer Daudzai with Arzo TV,
دوادزی غني تېرکال ډیسمبر د خپل حکومت د پرزیدو وړاندوینه کړې وه
The Taliban’s “special” relationship with Pakistan facilitated the Afghan regime’s downfall. In an exclusive interview with Azadi Redio, Mohammad Umer Daudzai indicated that Pakistan has a number of critical objectives in Afghanistan. He went on to explain that Pakistan had fulfilled one of its goals when the Taliban took control of Kabul on August 15.
The present situation in Afghanistan and the release of frozen funds are discussed
كرسي بي سرنوشت افغانستان در سازمان ملل December 02, 2021
#Umerdaudzai #alarabiatv
Why did the Islamic Republic of #Afghanistan System fall?
#Umerdaudzai October 31, 2021
September 15, 2021
إدارة بايدن تدرس تمديد الإجلاء من أفغانستان وطالبان تتوعد – دائرة الشرق الإدارة الأميركية تجري مناقشات لدراسة تمديد بقاء القوات بعد 31 أغسطس الجاري. وطالبان ترفض تمديد وجود القوات الأجنبية بعد أغسطس وتتوعد بـ”عواقب وخيمة” اشتركوا في قناتنا الرسمية على اليوتيوب الشرق للأخبا
Mohammad Umer Daudzai, President Ashraf Ghani’s Special Envoy for Pakistani Affairs. He discusses the Taliban’s rapid takeover of districts and key cities across Afghanistan, the lack of any real hope in Taliban-Afghan government peace talks, the extent of Pakistan’s role in The Taliban’s rapid military advances, the Afghan government’s recruitment of former warlords associated with gross human rights abuses, the move from NATO consensus over Afghanistan to regional consensus over Afghanistan involving China, India, Russia, Iran and Pakistan and much more.
WION Exclusive: Ghani’s top aide Umer Daudzai slams US | Interview | Afghanistan | Taliban
Minister Daudzai’s vision for Pak-Afghan Relations is one of unity and harmony. About Pak-Afghan Youth Forum (PAYF): Pak Afghan Youth Forum (PAYF) has been initiated to improve the relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan through its diplomacy, lobbying, narrative building, exchange programs. PAYF entails all those elements through which Pakistan can take its story to Afghanistan and beyond. Don’t forget to like, subscribe and share for more content like this and to understand more about Pak-Afghan relationship.
Mohammad Umer daudzai interview with Aryana TV
سخنرانی محترم محمدعمر داوودزی نمایندهی ویژهی رییسجمهور در امور پاکستان و سفیر پیشین افغانستان در ایران و پاکستان در مراسم رونمایی ‘نظرسنجی نظام سیاسی آیندهی افغانستان’